Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lovely Day.

Caeli used her potty to poop this morning.

Caeli and I went to Starbucks and the Lake with Shelby while Kaji wrote at Vine Cottage.

Beautiful full sky double rainbow!

Later Kaji wrote some more and Caeli and I played upstairs. She was using her new wrist twisting motion to shake the wooden rattle. Love!

Friday, January 30, 2015


Caeli has lately been starting some rocking motions that indicate that she is getting ready to crawl.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


A rather quietly busy day. Jenna Ann took care of Caeli. They went to the Lake where Caeli was laughing at the ducks and geese. When I showed them last week she was rather impassive. Kaji think it may have something to do with her quacky duck toy that she's be more interested in lately.

When Kaji went to choir rehearsal to talk to the members I spent time with Caeli and played msndolin--she likes the tune 'song to the stars' giving it a special squeal when she recognizes it ---and when I played her lullaby, she listened closely looking me straight in the eyes when I sang and looking at the fretboard at huff chriuses. Of course she loves examining her mandolin, so we did that Love her